Welcome to the Blueprint


Ideas matter — and the right knows it. For decades, groups like the Mont Pèlerin Society and the Heritage Foundation—backed by business funding—have promoted neoliberal policies across the globe. These investments have paid off. We have been living in a world dominated by these neoliberal ideas.

Now, that consensus is breaking, but the right has been the first to benefit. Rightwing authoritarians —often backed by billionaire funders—are promoting an agenda of nationalism, exclusion, and “freedom.” But the ideas of authoritarianism have only one real goal: to prop up an unjust and unsustainable capitalist system that serves oligarchs at the expense of the people.

Progressives are rising up. But in order to succeed, we must take seriously the task of generating the ideas that will define our future.

Our project is two-fold: first, to develop a shared policy vision; second, to mobilize progressives around the world behind that vision.

The Blueprint pillar will strive to meet these challenges. We aim to unite; to account for the needs of all people; to empower marginalized communities and nations; and to chart a path together. The creativity of Members, working together, will be necessary to succeed.

The Dimensions of the Blueprint

We will develop the Blueprint across six different dimensions:

  • Advancing internationalism shifts the framework of international cooperation away from the interests of capital and toward our collective well-being.
  • Dismantling oligarchy develops strategies for tackling finance, tax evasion, and corporate capture around the world.
  • Building shared prosperity includes policies that shift our economic system away from exploitation and toward safety and abundance for all.
  • Deepening democracy develops forms of activism and participation that empower people to take control of their workplaces and political institutions.
  • Strengthening solidarity seeks to achieve equality and liberation for all people, regardless of identity or circumstance.
  • Driving sustainability sets out the strategies and institutions to realise a just green future around the globe.

How We Work

The Blueprint pillar will develop policy ideas through a process that builds relationships between Members of the Progressive International — and puts this dialogue to work.

  • Forming Collectives: The Blueprint pillar will bring Members together to form working groups that develop proposals in key policy issues within Blueprint dimensions.
  • Defining Principles: Collectives will first define the principles for a progressive approach to each issue area, supported by the experiences and expertise of Members. This step of the process will not be behind closed doors. Collectives will include people from around the world impacted by, and therefore most expert in, each policy area.
  • Advancing Action: From there, Collective will develop actionable policy ideas, from longer policy proposals to plans for direct action. The goal of this step in the process to provide concrete proposals that can apply to all Members in their communities, from social movements and community organizers to unions and tenant organizations.

We recognize the need to make space for differences in this challenging process of Blueprint development. We consider these differences a strength of the internationalist progressive approach. By connecting across borders, we can understand the implications of our work for other communities in our movements, and therefore make sure we work towards the same principles. In this way, Members can coordinate political action, and have the collective strength to undo current structures in ways that otherwise would not be possible.

Let's get started!

Become a Member of Progressive International and join the dialogue! Over coming weeks and months, we will be listening to new Members about the policy issues they want to take on; supporting Members to form Blueprint Collectives; and connecting Members to Blueprint Collectives to share their experiences and contribute.

If you're interested in policymaking with Progressive International Members, please reach out to Mitali Nagrecha at [email protected].

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