Coordinator: Arab World and The Hague Group for Palestine

The Progressive International is recruiting a coordinator as (1) Arab World Regional Lead, and (2) Program Support for The Hague Group for Palestine — to manage organizational expansion, campaigns, and actions in and related to both.


Over the past few years, the Progressive International has dramatically increased its engagement across the Arab World — from our solidarity work with the people of Western Sahara to the formation of The Hague Group, a multi-state coalition to back Palestinian liberation.

Now, we are looking for an organizer to help us advance and deepen our work in the region and expand and strengthen The Hague Group. Like all work at the Progressive International, the mandate of the Arab World and The Hague Group for Palestine Coordinator will be broad. You will be an organizer, you will be an educator, you will be a diplomat, and you will work with our growing team to establish the infrastructure necessary to support progressive forces across the region.


  • Support, expand and strengthen The Hague Group for Palestine.
  • Establish and deepen relationships with a range of progressive forces — from popular movements to national governments — across the Arab World
  • Create and manage campaigns and actions connected with the demands of Progressive International's members and allies
  • Support ongoing campaigns related to Palestine and the broader region, including No Harbour for Genocide and solidarity with Western Sahara
  • Work with the Secretariat to deepen our collective understanding of the Arab Region
  • From time to time, help translate materials into Arabic

What we’re looking for

  • Ability to work confidently across a range of political registers and with a range of forces, from mass movements to unions to diplomats
  • Experience of organizing politically
  • Firm anti-imperialist politics
  • Preferably but not necessarily: membership in an existing movement in the Arab World
  • Preferably but not necessarily: experience of working in diplomatic channels and multilateral institutions
  • Preferably but not necessarily: Fluency in Arabic

What we are offering

  • Either a part time or full-time role, depending on the needs of the organization and applicant with pro-rata remuneration in the region of €3,000 per month for an initial fixed-term four month period, details to be negotiated depending on applicants needs
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Support with research, communications, and partnership-building aspects of the role
  • Exposure to the Progressive International team and wider work, if desired
  • International travel

How to apply

To apply, please send a CV a one page cover letter to [email protected], with [email protected] and [email protected] in CC. Priority will be given to applicants from the Arab World.

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