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South Asia


Junputh is a Hindi website focussed on pro-people news analysis, explainers, stories from margins and movements.
As the name goes, Junputh in Hindi means The Peoples’ Path. New Delhi, the national capital city of India, has a road by the same name that is perpendicular to Rajpath i.e. The King’s Path. Junputh.com derives its essence and operating model from there only.

It is a Hindi website focussed on pro-people news analysis, explainers, stories from margins and movements contributed by none other than pro-people writers, scribes, activists and intellectuals. Junputh firmly believes in giving voice to the voiceless and space to the marginalised.

Junputh started as a blog in 2006 and converted to a full-fledged community-run website in April 2020 when the migrant crisis was unfolding in Indian cities due to an abruptly imposed lockdown. During last one year, Junputh has generated much content, specially in last four months, during farmers’ stir against three central farm laws. The extensive and authentic coverage of farmers movement resulted in police crackdown on Mandeep Punia, a freelance scribe reporting for Junputh from the movement site.

Junputh is an open-ended process and it has no instutional framework as such. Neither any revenue model. It relies completely on peoples’ contribution for content and operational expenses.

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