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South Asia

National Garment Workers’ Federation

The National Garment Workers Federation is the largest trade union of garment workers in Bangladesh, “fighting for a living wage, fire and building safety, and freedom of association for workers.”
Founded in 1984, the National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF) has led key strikes and sit-ins to defend workplace safety, demand maternity leave and childcare, and compensate the victims of the Tazreen fire and Rana Plaza disaster.

Today, the NGWF operates 87 factory unions and 1261 factory committees across over 10 industrial zones of Bangalesh – Dhaka, Chittagong, Savar, Ashulia, Mirpur, Gazipur, Konabari, Kashimpur, Narayangonj, Mirzapur, Tangail & Valuka.

Nationally, NGWF provides special training and education program for women workers, legal aid to their families, and support for dismissed workers to find new jobs. Internationally, they build solidarity with trade unions, democratic forces, and feminist organizers everywhere.


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