
Mask Off Maersk!

PI member the Palestinian Youth Movement has launched a global campaign against Maersk, a logistics and shipping company that plays a key role in the genocide in Gaza.
The Palestinian Youth Movement launched the new international arms embargo campaign, Mask Off Maersk, targeting Maersk, the world’s largest integrated logistics and shipping company. We aim to end Maersk’s pervasive role in the transportation and supply of weapons and weapons components used by Israel in its genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Logistics companies are the invisible profiteers and facilitators of genocide. Maersk transports weapons and weapons components, meaning Maersk actively facilitates the flow of weapons to Israel to use in its criminal war in Gaza.Without Maersk, those weapons would not reach Israel.

Targeting Logistics

By targeting Maersk, we target multiple weapons companies.

The current phase of our struggle demands that we shift our strategies and tactics; to damage the gears of empire, we must directly disrupt the supply chains that allow for the creation and transportation of weapons that Israel uses in its mass murder of Palestinians.

If we cannot target all the weapons companies, factories, and facilities at once, we need to target the common denominator to interrupt the entirety of the industry.

Maersk Transports Weapons for Genocide

Since October, Maersk has transported over $300 Million in weapons components to US arms manufacturers; a full quarter of known US shipments to Northrop Gruman, Woodward, RTX/Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin went through Maersk. While 68% of weapon sales to Israel come from the US, Maersk’s role allows the facilitation of weapons flow to Israel.

Maersk ships transport weapons and weapons components, meaning Maersk actively facilitates the flow of weapons to Israel to use in its criminal war in Gaza. Without Maersk, those weapons would not reach Israel.

Maersk guarantees the prompt and consistent supply of massacre and destruction in Gaza. We demand Maersk cut ties with Israel and end its complicity in the genocide of Palestinians.

We must impose a greater cost on the institutions that dare to reap profit off the massacring of our people. We can and must halt the flow of the weapons killing our people, the money fueling the bombings, and the impunity and false legitimacy granted to the Zionist occupation.

The campaign plays a role in breaking the power of the U.S. imperialist industry that profits from the terrorization of people around the globe.


We have three objectives with this campaign:

  1. For Maersk to end the transportation of weapons and weapons components;
  2. To cut all contracts that fuel the genocide of the Palestinian people; and
  3. The implementation of an arms embargo to end the genocide.

This global effort will converge labor unions, student movements, community-based organizations, legal organizations, and other progressive sectors and organizations in support of Palestine, to raise the cost of supporting genocide and pressure Maersk to end its deadly role in the arms trade supply chain with the Zionist occupation. We will use a multi-tiered strategy against Maersk, including pension and endowment divestment, labor action, pickets and direct action, legal campaigns, and the cancellation of existing city and campus collaborations.

This moment calls on us to come together amongst all sectors and areas of struggle within the belly of the beast, to deepen our relationships, our strategies, our tactics, and our unity for the struggle ahead.

Nine months into bearing witness to humanity’s worst atrocities inflicted on the Palestinian people, we are beyond the moment of urgency and we must shift our strategies and tactics. Not only do we have a duty to continue to fight for Palestine, we have the ability to directly confront Zionism in the heart of empire.

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