
Donate now: Urgent aid to earthquake victims in Turkey

Fundraiser on behalf of the PI member Sosyalist Yeniden Kuruluş Partisi (SYKP)
On 6 February, an earthquake devastated large parts of Turkey. Now, as the Erdoğan government fails to provide relief, the SYKP is raising funds to directly support survivors, rescue missions and reconstruction.

The combined death toll in Turkey and Syria from Monday’s devastating earthquake has now risen to at least 21,000. According to the UNHCR, 15 per cent of the total Turkish population – 12.6 million people – have been affected by the earthquake and the 650 aftershocks that have come in its wake.

PI member Sosyalist Yeniden Kuruluş Partisi (SYKP) has been ringing the alarm for years about the Erdoğan government's criminal negligence of the country's earthquake vulnerabilities.

"Turkey is located on active seismic fault lines and is prone to earthquakes. Yet while his government has been collecting decades of earthquake taxes, Erdoğan made no effort whatsoever in the 18-year-rule to prepare and take precautions to prevent large-scale death and disaster in the event of a major earthquake...

Erdoğan has personally presided over the construction boom during which pro-government contractors were more or less allowed free reign to build all over the country. The disaster exposed ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) politicians who had turned a blind eye to building code violations in exchange for money or votes, and contractors from the AKP's close circle who had turned the country’s urban construction boom into an unbridled greed-a-thon."

Now, as the Erdoğan government fails to provide relief to its citizens, the SYKP is raising funds to directly support survivors, rescue missions and reconstruction.

“The time has come to unite in solidarity with the victims of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria. Tragically, thousands of our people lost their lives, tens of thousands were injured, and cities were destroyed. While it is impossible to bring back our losses, we can alleviate the suffering of those affected by coming together in solidarity. Now is the time to stand together and show our support.”

Help their humanitarian efforts in Turkey by making a donation. All donations will go directly to those affected by the earthquake.

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