
Take Cuba Off the List

Over 250 organizations sign the statement asking to remove Cuba from its US designation of “state-sponsor of terrorism”.
We, unions, political parties, and popular movements from around the globe, recognize Cuba as a pillar of international peace and justice and demand the immediate removal of its US designation as a “state-sponsor of terrorism.”

In January 1959, Cuba dared to chart a revolutionary path in the belly of the beast, putting behind the indignities of colonial rule that had tormented its people for centuries. Since then, it stood firmly with the aspirations of peoples across the Third World.

Cuba is not a “state-sponsor of terrorism”.

It is a state-sponsor of health. Over the course of its revolutionary history, Cuba has dispatched 605,000 health professionals and technicians to 165 countries, bringing health to as many nations as the United States has sanctioned.

It is a state-sponsor of peace. On 9 June 2023, Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro and Antonio García, the guerrilla commander of the National Liberation Army (ELN), shook hands in Havana at peace talks brokered by the Cuban government. The meeting laid the groundwork for an extended ceasefire — a historic step in a decades-long struggle for peace.

It is a state-sponsor of liberation. Half a million Cubans joined the national liberation struggle in Angola, helping to break the back of South Africa’s apartheid army. Cuba’s victory against South African forces at the battle of Cuito Cuanavale, Nelson Mandela said, paved the way for the legalization of the African National Congress in 1990 and the end of the apartheid regime.

In the face of its tremendous service to humanity, the United States’ designation of Cuba as a sponsor of terror is a cynical ploy to sustain the long punishment for its defiance to US diktats. The policy has only one purpose: to maximize the suffering of the Cuban people.

It represents a radicalization of the cruel six-decade blockade of Cuba. The blockade, as the infamous April 1960 State Department Memorandum said, sought explicitly to make “the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.”

Over sixty years later, nothing has changed. The Cuban people lack access to most basic goods and resources: medicine, food, construction materials, energy, industrial machinery, and spare parts. The designation has strangled the Cuban economy. Despite repeated promises to revisit the policy, Joe Biden has sustained the punishment — a cruel and cynical policy that stands in violation of fundamental norms in international law.

With this letter, we celebrate Cuba as a promoter of health, peace, and liberation, and commit to mobilizing in our millions to demand an end to its long persecution by the US government.

Signed by:

  1. Abolition Feminism For Ending Sexual Violence, United Kingdom
  2. Afrodescendientes, Venezuela
  3. Aj Muste Foundation For Peace & Justice, USA
  4. Akcja Socjalistyczna, Poland
  5. Al-Awda PRRC, USA
  6. Al-Muntada The Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Forum To Combat Violence Against Women, Palestine
  7. All Nepal Peasants Federation, Nepal
  8. Alrowwad, Palestine
  9. American Student Union, USA
  10. Amigas Da Terra Brasil, Brazil
  11. Anti-Imperialist Solidarity, USA
  12. Anti-War Committee Chicago, USA
  13. Arab Lawyers Association, United Kingdom
  14. Arab States Csos & Feminist Network, Egypt
  15. Artists For Palestine United Kingdom, United Kingdom
  16. Asamblea Distrital De San Martín De Porres, Peru
  17. Asociación Americana De Juristas, Puerto Rico
  18. Association For Investment In Popular Action Committees, USA
  19. Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, Australia
  20. Australians For A Free East Timor, Australia
  21. Bangladeshi Americans For Political Progress (BAPP), USA
  22. Bay Area Cuba Solidarity Network, USA
  23. Bay Area Muslimtherapist's Collective, USA
  24. Bay Area Women In Black, USA
  25. Birlikte Yaşamak İstiyoruz İnisiyatifi (We Want To Live Together Initiative), Turkey
  26. Calgary Anti-Racist Action, Canada
  27. California Scholars For Academic Freedom, USA
  28. Campaign Against Misrepresentation In Public Affairs, Information And The News (Campain), United Kingdom
  29. Canadian Peoples' Union, Canada
  30. Caos, Panama
  31. Casa De La Amistad Peru-Cuba Sede Cusco, Peru
  32. Casa De La Cultura De Lurin, Peru
  33. Central American Disruption, USA
  34. Centre For Global Education, Ireland
  35. Centro Martin Luther King Uruguay, Uruguay
  36. Centro Social Y Cultural La Nave, Spain
  37. Cetim, Switzerland
  38. Chask'A, Peru
  39. Chicago Alliance Against Racist And Political Repression, USA
  40. Circulo Bolivariano Petroleros Por Monagas, Venezuela
  41. Claudia Jones School For Political Education, USA
  42. Coalition Against Endless War (NJ - USA), USA
  43. Coalition Against Fascism In India, USA
  44. Codepink Bay Area, USA
  45. Cohre, Uganda
  46. Colectivo De Mujeres "Diana Morán", Panama
  47. Colectivo Resistencia Y Rebelión, Venezuela
  48. Comité Para Los Derechos Humanos En America Latina, Canada
  49. Communist Party Of Australia, Australia
  50. Comuna Agroturistica Y Deportiva Hugo Chávez El Visionario - Congreso De La Nueva Época, Venezuela
  51. Confederación General De Trabajadores Del Peru Cgtp, Peru
  52. Congreso De Los Pueblos, Colombia
  53. CPJPO, Luxembourg
  54. Defence For Children International - Palestine, Palestine
  55. Democratic Socialists of America, USA
  56. Diem25, Netherlands
  57. East Bay Codepink, USA
  58. Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists, Egypt
  59. Eldh European Association Of Lawyers For Democracy And World Human Rights, Germany
  60. Engender, South Africa
  61. Equidad De Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo Y Familia, Mexico
  62. Ethiopian Women With Disabilities National Association, Ethiopia
  63. Eugene Peaceworks, USA
  64. Faith Strategies, USA
  65. Federación De Trabajadores En Construcción Civil Del Peru, Peru
  66. Federación Democrática Internacional De Mujeres Fdim, El Salvador
  67. Fondo Puertorriqueño De Arte Y Cultura, Puerto Rico
  68. Foro Salud, Peru
  69. Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista, Spain
  70. Frente Cívico Nacional Blanco Rojo Del Peru, Peru
  71. Frente De Defensa De Lambayeque, Peru
  72. Frente Guasu, Paraguay
  73. Frente Obrero Campesino Estudiantil Y Popular Focep, Peru
  74. Frente Por La Dignidad Y La Democracia La Libertad, Peru
  75. Frente Salas Antiimperialista, Panama
  76. Friends Of Puerto Rico Initiative, USA
  77. Friends Of Socialist China, United Kingdom
  78. Friends Of The Congo, USA
  79. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power In Space, USA
  80. Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine, USA
  81. Grupo Belga Solidair Met Guatemala, Belgium
  82. Grupo Emancipador Peru, Peru
  83. Haldane Society Of Socialist Lawyers, United Kingdom
  84. Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War, Canada
  85. Hampton Roads For Palestine, USA
  86. Héctor Julián Mayurí Auris, Peru
  87. Hindus For Human Rights, USA
  88. Human Rights For All, Canada
  89. Illinois For A World Beyond War, USA
  90. Independiente, Peru
  91. Indian Association Of Lawyers, India
  92. Inminds Human Rights Group, United Kingdom
  93. Instituto Andino Para El Buen Gobierno, Peru
  94. Instituto Simón Bolívar Para La Paz Y La Solidaridad Entre Los Pueblos, Venezuela
  95. International Association Of Democratic Lawyers
  96. International Manifesto Group, Canada
  97. International Peace Bureau (IPB), International
  98. International Volunteers For Peace, Australia
  99. Intersindical Solidària, Spain
  100. Istinad Research Institute, Sudan
  101. Jawanza James William’s, USA
  102. Jewish Network For Palestine, United Kingdom
  103. Jewish Voice For Labour, United Kingdom
  104. Jews Against White Supremacy UCSC, USA
  105. Journal Des Alternatives - Plateforme Altermondialiste, Canada
  106. Juntos Por El Peru, Peru
  107. Kenyans4Palestine, Kenya
  108. Kumi Now, Palestine
  109. Kutup Yıldızı Ilmi Araştırmalar Derneği, Turkey
  110. La Internacional De Escritoras Y Escritores Insurgentes (IEI), Argentina
  111. La Internacional De Escritores, Argentina
  112. Largest Trade Union In The Garment And Textile Workers In Bangladesh, Bangladesh
  113. Lewisham and Greenwich CND, United Kingdom
  114. Mala Junta Argentina, Argentina
  115. Marcha Mundial De Las Mujeres, Peru
  116. Marrickville Peace Group (Sydney), Australia
  117. Masimanyane Women's Rights International, South Africa
  118. Masimanyane, South Africa
  119. Médecine Pour Le Peuple, Belgium
  120. Medicina Democratica ONG, Italy
  121. MEMPROW, Uganda
  122. Middle East Justice And Peace Group Of South Central Pa, USA
  123. Migrant Roots Media, USA
  124. Montreal For A World Beyond War, Canada
  125. Motherful, USA
  126. Mothers Against Peace Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany
  127. Movement For Black Lives, USA
  128. Movimento de Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (MTST Brasil), Brazil
  129. Movimiento Comunitario Alfa Y Omega, Peru
  130. Movimiento Independentista Nacional Hostosiano De Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
  131. Movimiento Nacional De Mujeres Todas Somos Micaela, Peru
  132. Movimiento Político Nuevo Peru, Peru
  133. MUP, Peru
  134. Muslim Climate Watch, USA
  135. National Conference Of Black Lawyers, USA
  136. National Garment Workers Federation, Bangladesh
  137. National Lawyers Guild International, USA
  138. National Students for Justice in Palestine, USA
  139. National Union Of Peoples' Lawyers, Philippines
  140. Nelly Avendaño Roca, Peru
  141. Network Of NGOs Of Trinidad And Tobago For The Advancement Of Women, Trinidad And Tobago
  142. New York Peace Council, USA
  143. Norcal Sabeel, USA
  144. North South Cooperation, Belgium
  145. Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition, USA
  146. Nuevo Peru Arequipa, Peru
  147. NYC Workers For Palestine, USA
  148. Observatorio De Derechos Humanos De Los Pueblos, Mexico
  149. Occupy Bergen County, USA
  150. Ontario Palestinian Rights Association (Opra), Canada
  151. Organisation Contre La Torture En Tunisie, Tunisia
  152. Organización Política Izquierda Socialista, Peru
  153. Organization For The Victory Of The People, Guyana
  154. Palestine 13, France
  155. Palestinian And Jewish Unity (Paju), Canada
  156. Palestinian Feminist Collective, Transnational
  157. Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), Malaysia
  158. Partido Comunista De Chile, Chile
  159. Partido Comunista Del Peru, Peru
  160. Partido Comunista Peruano, Peru
  161. Partido Del Pueblo Peru, Peru
  162. Partido Político Nacional Peru Libre, Peru
  163. Party of Communists USA, USA
  164. Peace Action WI, USA
  165. People's Academy Of International Law, USA
  166. Persons Against Inequality Uganda, Uganda
  167. Plant-Based Health Justice, United Kingdom
  168. Popular Resistance, USA
  169. Progressive Democrats Of America, Oregon Chapter, USA
  170. Progressive Lawyers Association / Turkey (Chd), Turkey
  171. Public Intellectuals For Social And Spare Change, USA
  172. Pueblo Unido, Peru
  173. PVDA-PTB, Belgium
  174. Red De Mujeres Verdes Equo Cantabria, Spain
  175. Red Europea de Comités Oscar Romero (SICSAL-Europa), Belgium
  176. Reparations United, USA
  177. Rockland County For Palestinian Liberation, USA
  178. Romanian Socialist Party, Romania
  179. Rosa Leocadia Siancas Astoquilca, Peru
  180. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, International
  181. Sawcho, South Africa
  182. Siglo XXI - Re-Pensando Bolivia, Canada
  183. Sindicato Único De Trabajadores De La Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Sutupch, Peru
  184. Sindicato Unitario De Trabajadores Del Periodismo Y La Comunicación Social Del Peru, Peru
  185. Socialist Labour Party, United Kingdom
  186. Socialist Lawyers Association Of Ireland, Ireland
  187. Solidaridad Con Los Pueblos En Lucha, International
  188. Solidaridad Peru-Cuba, Peru
  189. State 55 Africa, Africa
  190. Students For Justice In Palestine At Uchicago, USA
  191. Sua Sociedad Uruguaya De Actores Y Dramaturgos, Uruguay
  192. Sunrise Movement Philly, USA
  193. System Change Not Climate Change, USA
  194. Tamil Nadu Land Rights Federation, India
  195. Tatwala Vzw, Belgium
  196. Teaching Palestine: Pedagogical Praxis And The Indivisibility Of Justice, USA
  197. Teszkiewicz, Argentina
  198. The Civil Commission For The Independence Of The Judiciary And The Rule Of Law - Istqlal, Palestine
  199. The Movement For A Democratic, Ecological Socialist Republic Of Australia, Australia
  200. The Palestinian Initiative For The Promotion Of Global Dialogue And Democracy - Miftah, Palestine
  201. Top End Peace Alliance, Australia
  202. Ubuntu Freedom, USA
  203. UNEM, Venezuela
  204. Unitarian Universalists For A Just Economic Community, USA
  205. United American Indians Of New England, USA
  206. Unmute Gaza Danish Chapter, Denmark
  207. USA-Palestine Mental Health Network, USA
  208. USACBI - US Academic And Cultural Boycott Of Israel, USA
  209. Vereinigung Demokratischer Jurist:Innen - Vdj, Germany (Association Of Democratic Lawyers, Germany, Germany)
  210. Vrede Vzw, Belgium
  211. WILPF Canada, Canada
  212. Women Advancement For Economic And Leadership Empowerment Foundation In Africa (Waele Africa), Nigeria
  213. Women Democratic Front, Pakistan
  214. Workers Voice Socialist Movement (Louisiana), USA
  215. Youth Advisory Panel (YAP), Palestine
  216. Zimbabwe Movement Of Pan African Socialists, Zimbabwe
  217. Zimbabwe Palestine Solidarity Council, Zimbabwe
  218. Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement, Zimbabwe
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