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"Either all together or none of us"

Statement by Arzu Çerkezoğlu, President of DISK, on the Detention of Ekrem İmamoğlu
Arzu Çerkezoğlu condemns the detention of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu and others as an unlawful attack on democracy, workers' rights, and Turkey’s constitutional system.

A dangerous attack is targeting Turkey’s democracy and constitutional system.

First, the 35-year-old diploma of Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu was cancelled. In Turkey, a presidential candidate must be a university graduate. Then, many people, including İmamoğlu, local mayors, municipal council members, municipal employees, journalists, and other citizens, were detained. These arrests took place just before the opposition party’s presidential primary election. These arrests cannot be justified by law or justice.

Income inequality is rising rapidly. People’s working and living conditions are worsening. Only a small group of privileged people benefit. The government is losing public support. To stay in power without public backing, they are committing the most irrational, unlawful, and unjust acts. They are stripping away all our rights to maintain one-man rule and enrich a small elite.

A party that has lost public support is now using illegal methods against political opponents. It is not only politicians who are being targeted. Journalists, union leaders, and artists are also under attack. The goal is to silence the whole nation. Free elections in Turkey are being dismantled. They want a controlled election where only one person is approved.

These actions are destroying the constitutional system. They endanger the rights, jobs, and future of 85 million people.

The goal is clear. They have turned Turkey into a country of minimum-wage earners. A country where retirees must keep working. A country where women face violence. A country where journalists, union leaders, and politicians are in prison. A country where children go to school hungry. A country where workers pay higher taxes than their bosses. Now, they want us to stay silent. They want us to accept this reality, give up our rights, and vote for only one person.

Democracy is the bread of the worker. A government that tries to eliminate its political rivals through unlawful actions is a big threat to all people, especially workers. Workers know this. We must stand together, shoulder to shoulder. It is our duty to fight for justice, democracy, and our country.

Let’s unite for justice, democracy, and our country.

*There is no salvation alone from fists and chains.
Either all together or none of us.*

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