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Peace & Justice Project: Solidarity with the Bolivian people!

PI member Peace & Justice Project, founded by Jeremy Corbyn, condemns a new coup attempt by the racist extreme right in Bolivia.
Bolivia's President Luis Arce won a clear mandate at the 2020 elections that all sectors of Bolivian society need to respect.

We send our solidarity to the Bolivian people and to the Government of President Luis Arce Catacora Arce and Vice-President David Choquehuanca.

The government and President Luis Arce, have called the population to mobilize to defend democracy and the conquests recovered under threat by the violent offensive of the ‘civics’ and their paramilitary thugs. Workers', peasants', women's, indigenous, cooperatives and other social organizations have mobilized against the coup throughout the country. 

We call on the labour and progressive movements across the world to denounce and condemn this new coup attempt by the racist extreme right in Bolivia. We cannot and must not allow fascists and racists to once again destroy the democracy and social progress obtained and recovered under the mandate of Luis Arce and his predecessor, Evo Morales.

We demand respect for President Luis Arce’s mandate that is the impeccable and irrefutable result of the will of the Bolivian people, expressed freely at the ballot box, with 55% of the vote.

We call on the international community to send messages of solidarity with the struggle of the Bolivian people in defence of democracy and social progress.

Jallalla the Plurinational State of Bolivia!

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