
Carnage Comes Home

The Progressive International statement on the Capitol insurrection of 6 January 2021.
On the night of 6 January — as the members of a far-right insurrection marched through the halls of the U.S. Capitol building — president-elect Joseph R. Biden reassured the world that “this is not who we are."

But for so many millions of people across the planet, this episode represents the true face of the United States of America.

It is the face that the United States has shown in its armed interventions against democratically elected governments around the world.

It is the face that the United States has shown in its daily violence against black communities and its deadly deportations of undocumented families.

And it is the face that the United States continues to show in its promotion of pharmaceutical profits against the public health of its neighbor nations.

We, members of the Progressive International, know that Trump is not an aberration, but the inheritor of a long tradition of “American carnage."

And we, members of the Progressive International, stand together — across the United States and around the world — in the fight for democracy and global justice.

Because the United States needs a new face, not a new president. And this reckoning cannot come from the denial of its past, but through truth and reconciliation with its citizens and victims, allies and "adversaries."

Donald Trump will leave the White House in a matter of days. But this process of reconciliation has yet to begin. The Progressive International will keep fighting until it is done.

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