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No Harbour For Genocide

Block Military Fuel to Israel
We call upon states to prohibit and prevent the docking of vessels carrying military fuel to Israel at any port in the Mediterranean Sea.

Israel is committing grave violations of fundamental principles of international law in Palestine, including ethnic cleansing and genocide, which constitute a crime against international peace and security.  In breach of legally binding orders made by the International Court of Justice, Israel continues its relentless massacre of the Palestinian people.

States have a legal obligation to cooperate towards ending such illegalities and prevent genocide by all measures at their disposal. In relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, the UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution in April 2024 expressing deep concern at the transfer of jet fuel to Israel to commit violations of international law. 

We therefore call upon states with ports in the Mediterranean Sea to prohibit and prevent the docking of all vessels carrying military fuel to Israel, including the Overseas Santorini and Overseas Suncoast, in compliance with legal obligations.

Overseas Santorini and Overseas Suncoast

Recent investigations have confirmed the ongoing delivery of military fuel, supplied by Valero oil company on behalf of the US government from Corpus Christi, Texas to the port of Ashkelon in Israel. This military fuel includes kerosene based jet fuel and JP-8 used for Israel's Air Force F16 and F35 warplanes among others.

These shipments are carried by the tankers Overseas Santorini and Overseas Suncoast every 2 months. For years, these ships have docked at the port of Algeciras, Spain, also calling at Limassol, Cyprus, before arriving at its destination at Ashkelon, Israel.

On 15th July 2024, the Overseas Santorini left the port of Corpus Christi and is scheduled to dock in Algeciras on 30th July 2024, although alternative ports in the Mediterranean may be sought.

Our Demands

In compliance with legal obligations to prevent genocide and other international crimes, we call upon governments of all states with ports in the Mediterranean Sea to: 

  • Prohibit and prevent the transit of all vessels carrying military fuel to Israel through states’ territorial waters, and the anchoring, docking or provisioning of such vessels at ports, including the Overseas Santorini and Overseas Suncoast.
  • Investigate any vessel that may be carrying military fuel bound for Israel, and prevent their departure through impounding such vessels and/or confiscating their cargo.

In addition, we call upon:

  • Members of Parliament: Pressure governments and relevant authorities to execute the above demand including by conducting relevant enquiries and scrutinising executive decisions relating to the use of ports for delivering military fuel to Israel.
  • Trade Unions: Call for port workers to refuse services that would enable vessels carrying military fuel to Israel to dock, including provision of bunker fuel, lube oils and sludge discharge, and provide necessary protections for such workers.
  • Civil society: Mobilise in support of this call by amplifying these demands,

disseminating information and resources, lobbying relevant authorities and urging all vessel supply companies and shipping agents to withhold services to vessels carrying military fuel to Israel. 

  • Media: Draw attention to and denounce the practice of ports being used to enable the delivery of military fuel to Israel in breach of international law.

This call is made by:

AFOA, Cyprus

Arab Group for the Protection of Nature

Asamblea de Madrid por Palestina 

Bisan Centre for Research and Development

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 

Cartography of Darkness 

Corpus Christi Texas Palestine Solidarity Community 

Disrupt Power

Front Marocain Pour le Soutien de la Palestine et Contre La Normalisation

Global Energy Embargo for Palestine

Indigenous Peoples of the Coastal Bend

International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine

Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy

Palestine Speaks

Palestinian Assembly for Liberation

PNGO Network 

Progressive International 

Red Solidaria Contra la Ocupación de Palestina

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