
"If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth."

Statement from the Cabinet of the Progressive International.
Right now — as Western powers fuel a genocide in Gaza that has killed scores of journalists and crushed press freedom across Palestine — the fate of Julian Assange is decided at the London High Court.

Assange now risks extradition to the United States, where a sentence of 175 years in a supermax prison awaits him. His only crime: Wikileaks’ revelation of Western war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq, and beyond.

The High Court’s ruling will not only decide Assange’s freedom. It will also determine the right to know what our governments do in our name. Assange is not on trial alone. Journalism itself is on trial.

The Progressive International will fight until Julian Assange is free, until the press is free, and until the war machine has been dismantled.

"If wars can be started by lies," said Julian Assange, "peace can be started by truth."

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