
The world stands with Haiti

The United States is deploying Kenyan police to do its bidding in Haiti. Progressive forces around the world stand against yet another military intervention.
We, the undersigned, call on all peoples and nations of the world to stand against the latest US intervention in Haiti, which promises only to bring death and destruction to the people of Haiti and the Kenyan police sent to patrol them.

In 1804, the people of Haiti led a revolution that rocked the world, defeating the French colonizers, liberating the enslaved, and establishing the world’s first Black republic.

In the two centuries since, the Haitian Revolution has been brutally punished: with sanctions, invasions, and repeated regime change at the hands of Western powers.

Today, more than half of the Haitian population suffers from hunger. Basic services have been paralyzed across the country. And demands for change by Haitian workers have been met with batons and gunfire.

Now, the United States is once again preparing a military intervention to assert its control over Haiti. But this time, the US is paying to launder its invasion and occupation efforts through a “Multinational Security Support Mission” to be led by 1,000 Kenyan police.

In other words, the United States is sending Africans to slaughter Afro-descendants 12,000 kilometers away — for a small price to be paid to the Kenyan President.

Kenya’s High Court has already ruled the intervention unconstitutional, but its government is determined to press ahead with the agenda.

The deployment of Kenyan police forces to this mission in Haiti would be an affront to the spirit of Pan-Africanism. It reflects the United States’ reliance on client states and proxies to do its bidding — a worrying trend that undermines security all around the globe. And it threatens to exacerbate the already-devastating conditions of life facing millions of Haitians.

That is why we are raising the alarm and calling on progressive forces around the world to join us in opposing this wanton intervention. Long live the solidarity of the world’s people with Haiti!


  • Haqooq-e-Khalq Party, Pakistan
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, International
  • Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists, Egypt
  • Akcja Socjalistyczna, Poland
  • Wiphalas Across the World, Bolivia
  • Orinoco Tribune, Venezuela
  • Womens Democratic Front, Pakistan,
  • The Red Nation, International
  • Congreso de los Pueblos, Colombia
  • Parti Sosialis Malaysia, Malaysia,
  • Socialist Refoundation Party, Turkey
  • Zimbabwe Movement of Pan-African Socialists, Zimbabwe
  • Take it Back Movement, Nigeria
  • Suma Qamaña, United Kingdom
  • Egyptian Communist Party, Egypt
  • Peace & Justice Project, United Kingdom
  • Shadow World Investigations, United Kingdom
  • Mathare Social Justice Center, Kenya
  • Communist Party of Kenya, Kenya
  • Pan-African Socialist Alliance, Kenya
  • DSA International Committee, United States
  • Social Justice Centers Travelling Theatre, Kenya
  • Coalition for Revolution, Nigeria
  • Socialist Workers and Youths League, Nigeria
  • DiEM25, International
  • El Partido Comunista de España (PCE), Spain
  • Black Lives Matter UK, United Kingdom
  • PSOL, Brazil
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