
Small Farmers' Movement

"The Small Farmers' Movement (MPA) is a peasant movement that is national and popular in character, of the masses, autonomous and in permanent struggle, whose social base is organized in groups of families in peasant communities.
The MPA seeks to revive peasant identity and culture, in all its diversity and stands alongside other popular movements in the countryside and the city to build a popular project for Brazil based on sovereignty and the values of a just and fraternal society.

The organization of the MPA means that peasants have common needs that are greater than their territorial limits. That's why we saw the need to build a new form of political organization, capable of unifying these processes of struggle and developing a national perspective.

The MPA is currently organized in 17 Brazilian states in all regions of the country, and after 22 years of existence it has a significant history of struggle and organization of the Brazilian peasantry, organizing approximately 100,000 peasant families directly throughout the country."

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