
We are designing a policy blueprint to transform the institutions that impact our lives, our communities, and the planet.

The Progressive International convenes activists, thinkers, and practitioners to develop the principles and policies of a progressive international order.

Explore the inaugural collection of the Blueprint pillar below.


Weber: Stabilizing Prices for a New NIEO

Xinning and Cheng : The Dilemma of Reform in Current International Economic Order and Its Chinese Solution

Bozuwa: NIEO Congress speech

Galant: Southern Unity for a new NIEO

Ambassador Joyini: Words of the Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations

Proposals for unilateral decolonization and economic sovereignty

Samper: Intervención en el Congreso del 50 Aniversario sobre el Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional

Hickel: Climate, energy and natural resources

Estevez: Transformación productiva ecológica e integración regional: Propuestas de investigación táctica

Garavini: 50th Anniversary Congress in Havana.

Li: Pro-Poor Development — How China Eradicated Poverty

Ramírez Gallegos: Towards a new political economy of equality

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: Resistance Until Victory

Sayegh: Zionist Colonialism in Palestine

Climate Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century

How the socialist states began to reverse the brain drain of medical professionals from the Global South

Mutiny in the South and North

The South-North Dialogue

Douhan: Unilateral sanctions hurt women's health

Douhan: Unilateral Sanctions Hurt Women's Health

Galbraith: The Dollar System in a Multi-Polar World

El Nabolsy: Our Technology

Standing: The Blue Commons and the NIEO at Sea

Koram: "Now we all dream"

Patel: The Grammar of a Future NIEO

Ben Gadha, Kaboub, Koddenbrock, Mahmoud, & Samba Sylla: Africa's Money in an NIEO

Lawfare vs. Democracy

Ali: Deweaponize the Dollar

Communard Union: Programmatic Foundations And Statutes 2022

Cabañas Rodríguez: Cuba and the New International Economic Order

Sánchez-Henkel, Alcocer & Svarch: Toward a Health Sovereign Latin America

Ghosh: Multilateralism in a Fragmented World

Perrone: Solidarity & the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States

Marchesi: Enrico Berlinguer & the NIEO in the Global North

Martí: The Monetary Conference of the American Republics

Ramírez Gallegos: Eight Theses for the New International Economic Order

Plascencia: ALBA-TCP Contributions To The NIEO Declaration 2024

Arauz: Unilateral, coordinated actions from the South

Batthyány: La visión del Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional

Mola: ¿Cuál es la visión del Nuevo Orden Económico Internacional?

Samper: A New International Alignment for Planetary Survival

Mertens: The polycrisis and the challenges for the left

Franczak: Our Planet

Ron: "Lo imposible es lo que nosotros tenemos que hacer."

Podemos: "A refundar el NOEI."

Manssour Bin Mussallam: "Towards a Congress of the Greater South"

Presenting: The Havana Declaration on the New International Economic Order

Varoufakis: Because we must!

Díaz-Canel: "We must unite today to build the tomorrow we yearn for"

Pettifor: The NIEO Against Financialisation

“News from Nowhere” — Building Communal Life in Venezuela

Dutt & dos Santos: A Multilateral International Monetary System

Muchhala: A Bandung Woods

Schwartz: The NIEO as Global Keynesianism

Ajl: The NIEO in a State of Permanent Insurrection

Josip Broz Tito and Che Guevara speak

Nesiah: The NIEO Against Racial Capitalism

Özsu: The NIEO as Law

Gilman: The NIEO as Usable Past

Davies: An Inclusive, Cooperative and Equitable Multilateralism

Thornton: The NIEO as Cautionary Tale

Lula and Amorim: Out from Pandemic into a Multipolar World

Mayta: “Are we afraid of being equal?”

Cheng: "A shared future for humanity"

Castro: "Wake up, world, we still have time”

Yanomami Indigenous Territory: consequences of militarist Bolsonarismo for the Amazon rainforest

Salvador Allende: Enough — no more dependence!

Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order

Kozul-Wright & Gallagher: A New NIEO "Moment"

President Lula’s election, the confrontation with the extreme right and the tasks of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT Brasil)

MTST: Reimagining the Brazilian urban struggle after Bolsonaro

The labor market we want

If you want peace, prepare for it

The New International Economic Order

FUP: The neoliberal offensive on Brazilian sovereignty

The Brazil We Want: Voices from Brazil

Building the Future

African People’s Climate Justice Declaration to African Governments






Futures of Freedom

Tech workers, bigger than Big Tech

Climate Justice Means Debt Justice

Debt as Gendered Oppression

Pay Reparations and Redistribute Prosperity

Make Banking Cooperative

Delete the Debt: Africa's Liberation from Debt Supremacy

Take Back Our Institutions

Socialize Don’t Financialize

Democratize Finance

Bail Out the People

No More Global Debt Inequalities

Investment, Not Extraction

Our Debt is Not Your Profit

Rights Not Debts

No Illegitimate Debt

Capitalism's Most Inhumane Display: The Covid-19 Vaccine Business

Debt as Collective Strength

Debt as Racial Capitalism

Debt as Surveillance

Debt‌ ‌as‌ ‌Exploitation‌‌

Debt as Colonialism

A Blueprint for Debt Justice

End the War on Human Life

All Health Is Public Health

Policy Briefing: Debt Justice at the G20

The IMF's austerity drive comes for the Central Bank of Ecuador

Debt Justice Group: “Once again, we must stand against austerity in Ecuador”

Achal Prabhala: Technocracy Will Not End the Pandemic

Dear WTO: Covid-19 Vaccine is a Global Public Good

Kai Bosworth: Climate Populism & its Limits

Laurie Macfarlane: A Just Covid-19 Response is an Internationalist One

Linsey McGoey: Philanthrocapitalism Will Not Protect Us

Dana Brown: Communities at the Centre of Pandemic Response

Helen Yaffe: We Must Learn From Cuba

Diyana Yahaya: Feminist Trade Justice for Pandemic Resolution

Announcing the Covid-19 Response Collective

Lehuedé, Filimonov, & Higgins: Dissent & Democracy in Covid-19

Abrahams-Fayker: Privatization and Profits in South Africa

Lim: What a Green New Deal Would Mean for Malaysia

Mader: We Must Learn From Defiant Debtors

Kvangraven: An Anti-Imperialist Call for Debt Justice

Debt Justice Group to IMF: "Defuse Ecuador's Debt Time Bomb!"

Ddamba, Nelson & Ramana: Energy, Injustice & the Green New Deal

Getachew et al: A Movement-Driven Feminist Foreign Policy

Alves & Kvangraven: Reclaiming Economics After Covid-19

Fletcher et al: A New Future for Conservation

Molon: Taking back our future: for a green and just ‘new normal’

Petro: The Role of Progressivism in a Time of Pandemic and Extinction

Barreto: Ecosocialism in Venezuela and the North-South Struggle

Announcing the Debt Justice Collective

Diab: Debt Justice Is an Internationalist Project

Pistor: An Alternative to Our Debt-Ridden System

Jakema & Davis: Debt & Gender in Sierra Leone

Parvez: A New International Movement for Debt Justice

Appel: Debtors’ Unions, Reparative Public Goods, and the Future of Finance

Tricontinental: CoronaShock and Socialism

Comelli: The Debt Narrative is Dead Wrong

Meredith Tax: Towards an Internationalist Foreign Policy

Robert Pollin: Climate Crisis and the Coronavirus

Holly Jean Buck: How to Decolonize the Atmosphere

Alexander Kentikelenis: Against the Gentleman's Agreement

Kozul-Wright & Gallagher: The Fierce Urgency of Now

Ávila & Arauz: Decolonise the Green New Deal

Adolfo Aguirre: To Create the Negotiating Table from Below

Collard & Dempsey: Patriarchy is an Ecological Regime

Geoff Tily: The Grip of Brotherhood the World O'er

Todd Tucker: The Green New Deal Has an International Law Problem

Lula da Silva & Celso Amorim: For a Multipolar World

López Obrador: Rebuilding the World After Covid-19

Johanna Bozuwa: Public Services for the Planet

Nicholas Shaxson: Finance Curse and the Green New Deal

Ben Tarnoff: Covid-19 and the Cloud

Indorewala & Wagh: City Planning Before and After the Pandemic

Benjamin Braun: Socialize Central Bank Planning

Grace Blakeley: The Future Will Be Planned

Azmanova & Galbraith: Disaster Capitalism or the Green New Deal

Carola Rackete & Claire Wordley: Biodiversity Now!

Welcome to the Blueprint

Zena Agha: Climate Apartheid in Palestine

Introducing: The Inaugural Blueprint Collection

MAB: The Tipping Point Must Be the Point of No Return

Jayati Ghosh: How to Build the Global Green New Deal

Ann Pettifor: Greenback, Greenback Dollar Bill

Mike Davis: C'est La Lutte Finale


Building the Future

Building the Future brings together a set of studies from contemporary projects of socialist construction — situating them in their histories, analyzing their theoretical foundations, and examining the concrete, everyday practices that power them.

The New International Economic Order 1974-2024

A collection of reflections and policy proposals to mark the 50th anniversary of the New International Economic Order and update it for the 21st century.

The Brazil We Want: Voices from Brazil

The Progressive International convenes Brazil’s progressive forces to build a blueprint for Brazil after Bolsonaro.

Futures of Freedom

In a world where we are surveilled by technology, managed by technocrats, fed endless products, and turned into docile workers, the idea of freedom — rather, a multitude of freedoms — is tantalizing. How do we begin to see it?

Covid-19 Response

We are convening academics, advocates, activists, and community organizers to develop responses to Covid-19 that put people first by rethinking health and safety, trade and finance, and labor and social policy.

Reclaiming the World After Covid-19

The inaugural collection of the Progressive International Blueprint sets out a vision for an International Green New Deal.

Debt Justice

We are convening academics, advocates, activists, and community organizers to rethink international finance and redress the crisis of household, corporate, and sovereign debt.
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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell